The Happy Place!

The Ultimate Portal for Anxiety Information

Anxiety sucks, also I am not a doctor

Basically some forty million sum odd adults ages 18 to 54 are diagnosed with anxiety. It's a lot more than that because a lot of people aren't diagnosed due to something, likely ignorance or the negative stigma that follows. People are like, "Screw it, I'm just nervous," No Suzanne, you're anxious and this unfair shit can be treated. "Yeah, maybe after years of therapy and rotting your brains with anxiety medication." I reply that it's not really a big deal. Accepting your mental health issues and doing something about them now is much more important for your well being than discovering decades down the road, in your mid 50s that you're alone almost every night and saunter across the street to work hoping someone will run you over and end your miserable sad life that could have been improved with a little attention for yourself a few decades ago. How's that for an answer, Suzanne?

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a term used to refer to a broad category of anxiety disorders. It's a gut feeling and sweaty palms and overthinking, being afraid of what an outcome could be. Commonly associated with nervousness, anxiety is actually a disorder. Many people describe it as a feeling however that is dangerous. It stigmatizes the disorders and that causes them to be overlooked and not treated. There are many types of anxiety disorders and that's important to understand. There are different methods for coping and/or treating certain types of anxiety disorders.

Why is understanding anxiety good?

Because it seriously affects peoples ability to function. People are fired for anxiety disorders, employers are ignorant toward the disorders. Stress and procrastination become prominent factors in student's lives, resulting in lower grades and lower test scores. Parents may not understand why their child acts a certain way. Ignorance toward anxiety overall worsens the problem. Being aware of your anxieties leads to an understanding of yourself which helps with the development of becoming a healthy, functioning person. This is important to be happy and satisfied with life.